Friday, November 29, 2013

Papers Signed ch.6

The sound of the doorbell woke Nicki up. She rolled out of bed and in that instant everything looked cloudy and blurry. She still managed to make her way to the door, but when Nicki opened it, it was like she was staring the devil dead in the eye. He was standing there behind suits filled with people from the government. Two pushed past her and went upstairs.

"Wait where are you going?" she asked but they just kept walking. Nicki tried to follow them but the lady's words stopped her in her tracks.

"Ms.Maraj we've been looking for you. You've seemed to dodge us long enough." One came downstairs with a tired Trin in his arms and the other in tow.

"No...No...NO!!!" she yelled. Everything was happening so fast Nicki didn't know what to do. She couldn't breath and everything seemed to get even more cloudy by the second. Nicki was beyond confused. She didn't know if it was from the tears streaming from her eyes or the immense headache she was having, but she felt like she was about to pass out. Nicki lunged at them and was roughly restrained in the process.

"Ms. Maraj you've been neglecting this child, putting her in harms way. With direct orders from the court, we are here to safely give Trinity Maraj to her fa-" Nicki interrupted her with her screams. She struggled with the man restraining her but he only seemed to grip her tighter.

"Father James Pittman, who as of today has full custody," she said picking up where she left off. The man handed a now screaming Trinity off to James. He held her tightly to him and kissed her tears.

"Your next," he said before turning around walking away with Trin.



I woke up in a cold sweat to Shanelle shaking and yelling my name. She started saying things, but I couldn't understand her I was too busy crying and trying to catch my breath.

"Honey it's alright. It was just a dream," she said rubbing my back.

"Where's Trinity!?!" I yelled more than I asked throwing a fit when I realized she wasn't beside me like she usually was.

"I told her to go to my room," she reassured me."You were scaring her. You have to relax everything will be okay," she continued, embracing me in her arms. Once I finally calmed down I just layed there on her chest listening to her heart beat.

"Hun I'm gonna go get Trin. Go wash your face you don't want her to see you like this," she stated getting up and going across the hall. I sluggishly slid out of bed and went into the bathroom. I ran warm water all over my face and whipped it off with a towel before going back to my bed. A few seconds later Nelly came back with T in her arms. Nelle gave her to me and I squeezed the life out of her.

"Pooh are you okay? Did mommy scare you?" I asked her and she shook her head yes in response.

"I'm sorry. Mommy is so sorry okay?" I said kissing her all around her face causing her to giggle.

"Okay let's all go back to sleep and discuss this in the morning," Nelle said getting under the cover with us.

"You not goin-"

"No," she said interrupting me."


The next morning I woke up alone in my bed. Nothing was heard except the chirping sound from the birds outside my window. I rolled out of bed and did my daily morning routines, before opening my door to the smell of bacon. I strolled into the kitchen to find a pre made plate waiting for me along with Shanelle.

"Sit," she commanded and I complied.

"So what happened early this morning?" she asked me sitting beside me.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," I said taking the lid of my plate.

"You know my ears are always open. Confide in me Nic I'm here-"

"Yeah I see you. I appreciate it and all, but I'm fine and not hungry so..." I wandered off getting up to go find Trin.

"Oh uh uh sit you big ass down you gon eat this food," Nelle demanded.

"Um no I'm not. I'm not hung-"

"Bullshit you didn't eat all day yesterday. Matter-of-fact you never eat you give it all to Trinity. That little girl isn't all you have to live for and you got me bent if you think you gon die of starvation in my house no ma'am," she said raising her voice sliding the plate towards me. 

"Now you ain't gotta talk to me but you gon eat SIT DOWN!!!" she yelled at me. Now lets get this straight I didn't sit down because she told me too, I was actually tired of standing. And I only ate half of the plate because I suddenly got hungry. She walked out the kitchen and came back with Trin who was covering her ears.

"Oh you don't have to cover your ears anymore mommy is finally cooperating. We gonna have so much fun today you and I, because mommy gon sit there until she finishes her food like a big girl," Nelly soothed.

They went upstairs leaving me with a half empty plate of waffles, eggs, and bacon and a lot on my mind. Shit just not going good for me. My life went from something to nothing and I feel so powerless at times. I'm a well educated black woman but what do i have to show for it. I have a beautiful two year old daughter, with no job, and I'm not even a fugitive but I'm on the run.


I got a call from Drake telling me that Nicki got the job. I went downstairs to give her the good news, but I caught her in a moment. She had this glare that wasn't necessarily a mad one. It was more like a depressed hopeless one. I really worry about her sometimes. I wanna know what she's thinking, how she's feeling, what's going on with her period. She was such a happy girl, but now I don't know how to describe her. After watching her for a good ten minutes I skipped in there with the biggest smile on my face and gave her the biggest hug ever.

"I'm sorry you know I love you and I just want you to be the happy girl you used to be. You worry me sometimes and I just wanna know what's bothering you," I informed her never letting go of my grip.

"I know and I want you to know, but I don't want you no way affected by my situation. When the time come I'll tell you," she replied.

"Okay and that reminds me it's time for you to get ready to sign some papers, because you missy got a job with OVO Enterprise," I cheered cleaning off her plate. Boy when I tell you she was ecstatic. She actually smiled. We all got ready and drove the twenty-five minute drive to the office.When we arrived we went to the elevator and rose the 50 floors to boss man's office. We waited 5 minutes before the receptionist let us into his office. Drake and boss man stood when we walked in and greeted us.

"Good afternoon Ms.Maraj," he said shaking her hand.

"Shanelle," he greeted me opening his arms for a hug. I love him so much he's like a father to me.

"Ms.Maraj the position you applied for is not necessarily what you are going to get. Drake was currently telling me about how good of an accountant you are and coincidentally he fired our accountant a few days ago. We need a new one right away so what do you say?" he finished pushing a pile of paper towards her.

"Where do I sign?" she asked. Boss man started telling her the requirements and benefits of the job but I zoned them out when I heard a slight giggle. Trin and Drake yet again goofing around.

I actually like their relationship he actually has a genuine smile on his face. He hasn't smiled in a while, four years to be exact. That's when tragedy came crashing his way. Believe it or not but he didn't always have a cold heart. He used to be open, happy, and delight to be around. She flipped his life around to the point where he refuses to get back out there and find somebody to love. On the flip side that wrong combination made something bright and beautiful Naomi. I see the resemblance between Naomi and Trinity but why would I tell him that. He grieved long enough it's time for him to move on.

"I'll show you to your office," boss man's voice snapped me out of my thought. We went down to the 49th floor and to be honest I didn't know anybody besides Drake whose office was on this floor. This is gonna be interesting.



  1. Noooow im sooo confused. She's on the runnnn? Whyy? She just seems like shes raising Trin Just fine. Gosshh. Im so confuzzled i cannot wait for more posts so i can get all these questions answered.
    Yayyy im glad she got the job. Cann Drake and her just get together already. It seems to me that they could both use someone.

    I MISSED YOU AND I AM GLAD YOUR BACKKK! i cant even explain to you how excited i got when I saw that you posted! Thank you thank you thankkkk youuu! Welcome back!!❤️

  2. Trinity's father must have been a bad guy or something, the way that dream was set up. This chapter kind of confused me but in a good way :)
    Aww so happy she got the job, maybe now she can be happy again. Can't wait till you post again!

  3. Missed the story like alot i thought you stopped writing thank god you didn't. But at first I thought her dream was real. I feel like Trin's father really is dangerous even though we don't know about him yet. But Nicki does that's why she is always protective over Trinity. Glad she got the job & all we can do is wait for her to open up about her situation. Great chapter wasn't boring to me more like it may of been needed for you to start the interesting plots like you said :)

  4. wow you scared the frig out of me in the begining lol At least Nic finally got a job so she can support her daughter! And I dont believe Drake just happened to fire the acoutant a few days ago... he needs to stop playing with her head but anyways good chap! Post when you can :)
